Monday, July 9, 2007

Training: July 9, 2007

I think I mentioned that the Urbanathlon is meant to test more than just my running endurance...I actually have to be able to throw my weight around in interesting (and currently, unknown) ways. They had the first Urbanathlon last year in New York City, and from what I can gather on the website, there was a lot of climbing through contraptions and stair running. However, the thing that terrifies me is the rope climb and peg board. Because I was unathletic as a kid and pre-teen, I have a mortal fear of all things that test your upper body history with such activities is traumatizing, at best. But it's been a long time since 7th grade and the last time I attempted a rope climb, so I'm hoping for better results should I be faced with such a challenge on October 20 (hopefully years of swimming in the interim will help).

Anyhow, to protect myself from humiliation as much as possible, I have been hitting the gym extra hard to boost my strength. So far I have been using a training program from Men's Health magazine (but not the one they have on the Urbanathlon website--I'm saving that for when the date is closer). Basically today I had to do quite a few sets of barbell shoulder presses and deadlifts. I can't say that I have extensive powerlifting experience in my past, so the deadlifts were a bit of a challenge. Especially since I did 10 sets. It is now about 12 hours since I finished my workout and my back is already quite sore (though, incidentally, the lactic acid pain in my abdominal area is still preferential to the pain associated with a Crohn's flare, so I should really stop complaining). I guess I should have thought of the history of bad backs and hernias that run in my family (thanks, Paps!). But the other thing my folks gave me along with their genes was stubborn determination (thanks again!...this time note the absence of sarcasm). It's just another hurdle to prepare me for a successful Urbanathlon.

And to all concerned for my well-being...I promise I won't push myself to the point of breaking something. :)

1 comment:

hunt3400 said...

Markus - I'm the administrator for the Section of G.I. at the UofC and work closely with GIRF. I really enjoyed your website and was wondering if you'd like to put information regarding your upcoming urbanathalon in our clinic waiting rooms - happy to assist with your fundraising so let me know. Betsy